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Bryan Jernigan headshot
student artist
Jernigan demonstrating painting technique

About Bryan Jernigan and His Classes, Workshops and Demonstrations


In my pastel and acrylic paintings, I want there to be an interplay between what is visible on the surface and the layers underneath. They are created from inward and outward experiences of nature. Based on both observation and memory, my paintings connect the reality of what is seen to the realm of what is felt. Color is the root of all my paintings. Invented color schemes, interlocking organic forms, and decisive brushwork characterize my work. It comes from a place deep inside. I hope it will touch a place deep inside the viewer. It’s the expression of feelings, mysteries and things unspoken.  


When I'm not creating work, I like to foster creation in others by doing demonstrations, teaching workshops and classes. If your group is looking for a demonstrator, feel free to contact me at I do two different demonstrations - one on creating looser, more impressionistic landscapes, and the other in a form of abstraction called "expressive drawing and painting." Each demonstration runs about one hour.


I also teach abstract painting classes for the Art League of Alexandria (VA). You can learn more about my upcoming classes by visiting here.


I am happy to come to your group to run workshops as well. I offer a number of them, but generally focus on these:


"The Power of Pastels" - I demonstrate from beginning to end, and share the secrets of the pastel medium. From choosing papers, to learning about the basics of value, composition and application, a new world of artistic possibilities will open up for you. I show you how to produce loosely expressive, traditional, works on a small scale, but with techniques that can be translated into larger pieces. For beginners and experienced pastelists alike, attendees learn what tools to use, get real guidance on skies, water and trees, explore framing options, and discover application tips and tricks to take your art to the next level. If you are looking for a balance between control and expressiveness, color confidence and greater mastery, this is the workshop for you! Even non-pastelists will learn valuable skills that can be used to paint in other mediums.

"Loosen Up Your Landscapes" - this day-long workshop allows you to paint more loosely and freely, focusing on how to blend representational landscapes with abstracted ones. Students watch me develop a landscape and then apply the principles to a landscape of their own choosing. The workshop features illustrated lecture, demo painting, paint mixing guidance, easel-side instruction, exercises and a group critique.


"The Freedom of Letting Go" - this two-day workshop is usually conducted over a weekend (Saturday and Sunday). Day One focuses on non-represenational abstraction. Students will explore expressive drawing and painting using mark-making tools and a layering process with paint. I encourage students to tap into that "pure place" where judgment falls away and they break through their artistic inhibitions that have held them back. Day Two is about representation. Applying principles learned from the day before, students learn how to loosen up their representatioanl pieces. I share with attendees my unique color-creation system and underpainting techniques and so they can apply them to their own works.


If you're interested in talking more about the teaching opportunities I can provide as BKJ Designs or to check date availabilty, please feel free to email me at I look forward to help you take your creativity to the next level!

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